Blog 4: Never Too Late
By Andrew Dickson
I think one of the things I like best about my life is that I can get up every morning knowing there will be something to look forward to, be it a new challenge, a new client or a new idea. It’s a perk of being an entrepreneur that allows you to consider everything as an opportunity.
Before I took a major change of course in my life, I worked in a factory. I hadn’t planned on working in one, it’s just that I had no idea what I wanted to do and needed a job. After six and a half years I stumbled across a local college open day and decided to go in and see if they had any photography courses for the following semester. As it happened they had a place left of the course starting the following week, and would I be interested?
So the next day I quit my job at the factory, got myself an evening job and prepared to go back to school.
The day before I started was my 30th birthday. It was also the day Princess Diana died, and suddenly photography wasn’t the most popular career choice on the planet. Still, I graduated a year and a half later, and found myself in London being interviewed for a job on cruise ships, which is how, a few short weeks later I stood on the dock in San Juan, Puerto Rico looking up at the biggest boat I’d ever seen…but that’s another story.